Get In Touch


72 Gary Martin Drive,  Bedford, NS

Frequently Asked Question!


  • 1. 网站或微信群里的下订单的顾客享受店内商品正常零售价。最终价格以店内结账时的价格为准。不会因网购而溢价。
  • 2. 秉承不欺诈原则。不会以次充好,滥竽充数。
  • 3. 不乱塞货。不会乱加不在订单内的东西。店内货品或有重量或口味的不同。拣货员会尽量挑拣符合您订单要求的产品。如有产品您不愿接受相似产品调换,请备注告诉我们


电话:  506-898-1226  (早上10时至晚上7时)

微信: Bonjour2090


  • 免费门店自取服务。请在取货当日确保手机畅通, 并在与客服确认最终取货时间再出发到店.
  • 配送服务细则如下:








OVO店(地址: 72 Gary Martin Drive, Unit 110, Bedford, NS. B4B  0P7)周边5公里。(以Google Map驾驶距离)


  1. 目前OVO支持以下支付方式 网上支付(信用卡)
  2.  微信、支付宝支付
  3. 现金支付
  4. Etransfer信息




OVO online shopping service purpose:


1. Customers who place orders in the website or WeChat group will enjoy the normal retail price of products in the store. The final price is subject to the price at checkout. No premium for online shopping.

2. Adhere to the principle of no fraud. You will not be there just to make up a poor quality.

3. No clutter. Do not add anything that is not in the order. Items in the store may vary in weight or taste. The picker will try his best to select the products that meet the requirements of your order. If you do not want to accept a similar product exchange, please note to let us know

Contact information of customer service:


Telephone: 506-898-1226 (10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.)


WeChat: Bonjour2090


Distribution related

The online shopping service requires a minimum purchase of $35

Free store pickup service. Please ensure that your mobile phone is unblocked on the day of picking up the goods, and confirm with customer service the final time of picking up the goods before leaving for the store.


Delivery Fee





Details of delivery service are as follows:

Distribution scope:

5km from the OVO store (72 Gary Martin Drive, Unit 110, Bedford, NS. B4B 0P7). (Driving distance with Google Map)

Delivery time: online shopping provides same-day or next-day delivery service. Cut-off time for delivery on the day is 3:00 PM every day. Delivery time is between 4pm and 6pm daily

Pay Information

OVO currently supports the following payment methods

1. Pay online (credit card)

2. WeChat and Alipay

3.Pay in cash

Shopping Cart